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For those that wondered whether the colour was due to 'artistic license' this spawned out coho male in Morrison Creek shows extra tinting is not required. Photo by Jim Palmer

For those that wondered whether the colour was due to ‘artistic license’ this spawned out coho male in Morrison Creek shows extra tinting is not required. Photo by Jim Palmer

Here is the information from the final spawner counts that YER did in Morrison Creek in Nov.  It was a wonderful learning experience for the kids to walk Morrison and learn so much about coho, their spawning behaviour and habitat requirements.  All the best for the upcoming holiday season.

November 4, 2010
start: above railroad bridge over Morrison creek mainstem
coho: 3 jacks, 16 male, 5 female
finish: Morrison mainstem by Trib 7
start: below railroad bridge over Morrison creek mainstem
coho: 3 jacks, 12 male, 6 female
Very active spawning behaviour with all coho observed Nov 4th
No coho observed in Nellie Creek
November 24, 2010
start: above railroad bridge over Morrison creek mainstem
coho: 1 jack, 3 male
finish: Morrison mainstem by Trib 7
start: below railroad bridge over Morrison creek mainstem
coho: 2 male, 3 female
finish: about 100m downstream

One Comment

  • Cortez says:

    The Tuscarora Club has own property along almsot the entire length of Mill Brook since 1901 and while the brook can be accessed at its headwaters, it’s a trickle in this location during most of the fishing season and not a spot the recreational fisherman is likely to visit!. The club sued NYC when they first built the reservoir, claiming that it destroyed the brook trout fishing in the brook because warm water fish could access the creek and displace its brook trout. With the funds they received from the city to settle their suit, they damned the brook above its mouth, a dam they claimed only jumping trout could ascend, although it probably also restricted the reservoir’s brown trout from spawning in the brook. They are unlikely to open any of their lands for public use.

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