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Project Team:
• Morrison Creek Streamkeepers
• Fisheries and Oceans Canada
• Pacific Salmon Foundation
• School District 71
• Current Environmental Ltd.
To restore and enhance the riparian (streamside) and in-stream habitat of Arden
Creek where it runs across School District 71 property at École Puntledge Park Elementary
and Lake Trail Middle School.
• Mid-July to mid-August, 2021
• Planting to occur in fall 2021

Project Rationale:
The habitat in and around Arden Creek is being remediated to support the needs of many local aquatic species, in particular, Morrison Creek lamprey (seen here at right) and several salmon species. Morrison Creek lamprey are an endangered species – it is a population of Western Brook lamprey which produces both the typical freshwater non-parasitic form and uniquely, a freshwater parasitic form as well. The typical Western Brook lamprey is found from Oregon to BC, but this unique form is found only in Morrison and Arden Creeks – nowhere else in the world. They are a small fish, less than 15cm long, that is rarely seen. Morrison Creek lamprey and its habitat are protected under the Species at Risk Act and Fisheries Act. In order to support the long term survival of the population we are undertaking remediation of Arden Creek and the surrounding riparian area to make sure the lamprey have what they need to breed, grow and feed. This work will benefit not just the lamprey but many other aquatic species, in particular salmon. Salmon need many of the same features as lamprey including free flowing water, complex substrates and places to take shelter.

Get Involved!

Fishing in Morrison

We will be working in this area in July and August to make Arden Creek and the plants surrounding it a more supportive environment for all aquatic species. When school has resumed in the fall and temperatures are a bit cooler there will be opportunities for teachers and students to get involved with the riparian planting. We will contact each school in the fall to coordinate these activities.

Thank you for your patience during construction this summer!

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