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Arden Creek Restoration Project

Project Team: • Morrison Creek Streamkeepers • Fisheries and Oceans Canada • Pacific Salmon Foundation • School District 71 • Current Environmental Ltd. Purpose: To restore and enhance the riparian (streamside) and in-stream habitat of Arden Creek where it runs across School District 71 property at École Puntledge Park Elementary…
Kathryn Clouston
July 12, 2021

Spring Investigations

With the weather improving we have been able to get out into the headwaters again on occasion and found a pair of Green-winged Teal in monkey flower pond with a pair of mallards. Green-winged Teal Nice to start the new year with a new bird for the headwaters list!  Spring…
Kathryn Clouston
April 5, 2021

Council approves motion to protect watershed

Morrison Creek is the only known home for the Morrison Creek sub-species of Western Brook Lamprey anywhere in the world. Courtenay council unanimously approved a motion from Doug Hillian to establish a consistent 30-metre setback to help protect the Morrison Creek Watershed. “Anybody who’s walked along our streams and has…
Kathryn Clouston
October 9, 2020