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Morrison Creek Projects

We have done a number of projects large and small over the years as you can see below.


We did some water quality assessments many years ago.

Bank Stabilization 2009

We did some bank stabilization and created some resting areas for the salmon around the island at the foot of Second Street.  This involved dewatering and defishing each reach separately and then putting a bunch of woody debris and rocks in place to stabilize the banks of the island and properties opposite to the island and then cabling them in.

Fish Barrier Remediation 2015

This was quite complex work and ended up being a race against the salmon as the pinks were starting up the creek before we finished all the work.  We started by removing the old weir at Second Street that was almost impossible for the pinks to get over and creating a bunch of pools and riffles.  Then we moved to a perched culvert under Comox Logging Road where we raised the level of the water so the fish could actually swim up and down stream.

Mapping and Hydrology 2019

This project involved a lot of visits to the headwaters to take water samples and do some mapping to find wetlands that weren’t showing on existing maps.