Streamkeeping is a very rewarding pastime that can include the whole family. The Morrison Creek Streamkeepers are always looking for volunteer help with a wide variety of projects. Specific ways that you can get involved are:
- Assessment and monitoring
Activities include streamflow monitoring, counting adult and juvenile fish, habitat assessments, water quality monitoring, and more. - Restoration
In-stream habitat works such as adding riffles or large woody debris, streamside re-vegetation and willow wattling, and more. - Strategic planning
The Morrison Creek Streamkeepers board meets periodically to discuss current issues and the future direction of our organization. This is a good opportunity to go “behind the scenes” and make some positive change. - Administration
Bookeeping, phoning, proposal writing and editing- these are “the necessary evils of organization” – or “the “little jobs” that are crucial to the ongoing success of the MC Streamkeepers. - Keeping your eyes and ears open!
Reporting any interesting plant and animal sightings, or problems such as habitat destruction, stranded fish or water quality issues can make a huge difference in protecting the Morrison Creek Watershed. Contact numbers are listed below- in most cases, interesting animal and plant sightings should only be reported to the MC Streamkeepers.
For more information or to join the Morrison Creek Streamkeepers please send us an email at, or give Jim Palmer a call at (250) 338-1867. Periodically check the blog for upcoming projects and volunteer opportunities and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!
Environmental Violations Reporting Numbers
- BC Provincial Reporting of Environmental & Wildlife Violations (24hrs): 1 877 952 7277.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada Reporting of Fisheries & Fish Habitat Violations: 1 800 465 4336.
- Fisheries and Oceans Comox Field Office General Enquiries: 250 339 2031.